If you have any comments or suggestions, here's the place to do it...or you can always follow me on the twitter, I'm @yoshiki89 so go for it. Thanks for listening!!
Without any further ado...show notes! Timestamps are approximate. PLAY LOUD or GO TO THE JOHN. Heavy Metal is the LAW!!
Episode 3 MixCloud (click here to listen to the archive of the broadcast)
Prelude/Intro 0:00:00
I think a lot about this kind of stuff...
NASTY SAVAGE (USA/FL) "Unchained Angel" 0:04:01
From the 1984 "Wage of Mayhem" demo. One of the bands that wrote the rules on how underground bands should interact with their fans. Also a great idea to smash TV sets on your chest.
BANSHEE (USA/MO) "Back Your Way" 0:07:23
From the 1986 "Cry In the Night" EP. Maybe you don't know them, maybe you do...they released this EP on their own, released an LP that everybody forgot about on Atlantic Records, then vanished...but, they really are back...back your way; having released a new album in 2012.
GRIFFIN (USA/CA) "Submission" 0:11:38
From the 1984 "Flight of the Griffin" LP. Shouldn't be any man Jack (or Jill) of ya that don't know Griffin. R.I.P. "Yaz" (Mike Yastremski), who played guitar for the band on this LP before he joined Heathen.
MC 0:15:49
Shreddi confetti; spandex and bullet belt tourniquet...
RAW ENERGY (USA/OH) "White Stallion" 0:16:54
From the 1988 "White Stallion" Mini-LP. I hope you enjoy this treasure, from the burning-metal guitar tone capital of the USA, Columbus, Ohio. I could never make that up.
ION BRITTON (USA/NC) "Eat Metal" 0:21:42
From the 1987 "Eat Metal" EP. They've been around since 1982, are amazingly still together, but this is their only release to date. Ultra Dave's vocals are...juuuuuuust a bit outside. I want you to EAT METAL, yeahhhhhh!!
VALHALLA (USA/PA) "Break of Darkness / Looking For the Light" 0:26:29
From the 1984 Self-titled EP. There were a lot of bands called VALHALLA back in the day, this one will always be my favorite.
MC 0:32:38
You don't know it...but they came to rock YOU!
MANIAC (AUSTRIA) "You Don't Know It" 0:33:41
From the 1985 Self-titled LP. There were a lot of bands called Maniac, but Austria's version released this amazing LP on Hot Blood Records. That's what I call one-stop shopping.
BURN (SWE) "Burn in Fire" 0:38:07
From the 1983 Self-titled LP. If you ever hear this record call out to you, as if it was saying "buy me," you would be foolish to ignore it. Quite solid effort, here.
MIDNIGHT DARKNESS (GER) "Linefire"0:41:50
From the 1985 "Holding the Night" LP. The final leg of a veritable triumvirate of essential metal albums. That's one-two-three total klassics.
MC 0:46:34
If you're still listening...thanks a lot!
NORTHWIND (GRE) "Stop Sisyphus Stop" 0:47:37
From the 1987 "Mythology" LP. Their second LP, this was a concept album about mythology. It's only right and just that a band from Greece should take up this task, and only fair to admit that they do a fantastic job of it.
KNIGHTMARE II (USA/CA) "Crack The Whip" 0:51:13
From the 1985 "Death Do Us Part" EP. The Rod! What else do you need to know? Other than 'what happened to Knightmare I?'
MC 0:54:34
So, what are you drinking?
SLAYER (USA/TX) "Final Holocaust" 0:55:43
From the 1983 "Prepare to Die" EP. A lot of folks remember this "Slayer band" because of their having to change their name to "S.A. Slayer" because of the other "Slayer band." Some also remember this band because Ron Jarzombek played for them, but not on this EP. I think tonight, we should remember vocalist Steve Cooper, who also briefly sang for Juggernaut as well as Narita (formerly known as the Mark Reale Project) and who died in 2006.
If you like something on the show, please, go buy it (if it's available). If you own something on the show and don't want me to play it, please let me know.