chunks and nuggets from the dawn of the era of the True Underground, and some new stuff once in a while

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Episode 4: DEMO-lition

After some delay, the show is back!!  For the time being, what was I thinking in attempting to do this weekly, I don't know.  But that doesn't matter now.

For your review: 3 ultra-klassic grinding death metal demo treasures from the magickal year of 1991!  Total kVlt performances!  Crisp and authentic rips from the original cassettes from my collection!!  Celebrate and ENJOY what was the tr00 underground of yesterday!!

If you have any comments or suggestions, here's the place to do it...or you can always follow me on the twitter, I'm @yoshiki89 so go for it.  Thanks for listening!!

Without any further notes!  Timestamps are approximate.  PLAY LOUD or SURRENDER ALL YOUR TACO.  Heavy Metal is the LAW!!

Episode 4 MixCloud (click here to listen to the archive of the broadcast)

This was MAIMED...if their only demo doesn't burn your lips off...well...uh...
Prelude/Intro 0:00:00
Nothing left to the imagination...

NECRONY (SWE) "Severe Malignant Pustule" February 1991 Demo 
A fantastic template for effective and precise grinding death metal; great friends of mine for many years (I transcribed guitar tabs for a few tracks on their "Necronycism: Distorting the Originals" all-cover CD released in 1994).
1. Intro: Ortuo 0:02:09
2. Masticator of a Swollen Carcass 0:02:56
3. Hill of Cadavers 0:06:20
4. Consuming Cartilage 0:09:26
5. Decomposing Genitals 0:13:04
6. Pus-bonum-et-lauda-bile 0:16:53
7. Severe Malignant Pustule 0:20:03
8. Outro: Ortni 0:23:09

MC 0:23:47
Solo KERTOFFEL < Potato Salad

MAIMED (USA/IL) 1991 Demo #1
A Chicago band so incredibly awesome, they completely self-imploded after only recording one demo and while on the verge of signing a deal with Peaceville Records.  A tr00 underground tragedy, yet counteracted by the beauty of this recorded work...INDÜLGE.
1. Cranial Embalment 0:24:59
2. Burned 0:28:21
3. Engulfed in Cysts 0:31:24
4. Of the Dead 0:34:43
5. Maimed Excisions 0:37:30

MC 0:41:01

DEMIGOD (FIN) "Unholy Domain" 1991 Demo
There were a lot of bands called DEMIGOD, this one was the best.  For so long, they were the lords of Finnish death and in many ways, will always be.  Their debut LP was every bit as special as this was.
1. Perpetual Ascent (instrumental) 0:42:24
2. Anxiety 0:45:42
3. Reincarnation 0:50:22
4. Succumb to Dark 0:54:51

Outro  0:58:57
Thanks for listening!!

If you like something on the show, please, go buy it (if it's available).  If you own something on the show and don't want me to play it, please let me know.

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