chunks and nuggets from the dawn of the era of the True Underground, and some new stuff once in a while

Friday, April 24, 2020

Episode 12: Later Could Be Today...

Time again to Open the Vaults...more relics from the true underground, and a MASSIVE helping of new(er) stuff - a SPECIAL dose this time around!

We're going to hear TWO new tracks from the forthcoming "Architects of Aggression" album by Buffalo NY saviours of the universe, can pre-order this violent slice of filth by contacting the band on their Facebook page HERE and tell them your putrid Uncle Stevo sent you!

Set in there for good measure: CROPSY MANIAC, VHS, EXHUMED and ABSCONDER. Prepare to Die!!!

A disclaimer for this, and all episodes of the show...many of the elder tracks are taken from original sourced cassettes, a great deal of them are tape trade copies...quality varies, but if you aren't aware of that haven't been listening! I take great care to fix "really bad" audio problems, and bring everything to a comfortably massive volume level. However, some tracks sound the BEST when they are from an unknownth generation dub...if you're lucky, you'll hear the best of both worlds.

If you have any requests, comments or suggestions, feel free to throw them my way in the comments here, on twitter (I'm @yoshiki89) or on my Facebook page Bucket O' Entrails. Thanks for listening!!

Timestamps are approximate.  PLAY LOUD because, who knows...Today Could Be The Day!! Heavy Metal is the LAW!!

Episode 12 MixCloud (click here to listen to the archive of the broadcast)

Prelude/Intro 0:00:00
IRON RAINBOW (USA/NY) "Magic Lord Of Darkness" 1996 0:03:43
ANGEL WITCH (UK) "Angel Of Death (BBC Session)" 1980 0:08:11
FATAL SIN (USA/MD) "Justice Sucks" 1986 0:13:20
MC 0:17:01
CORONER (SWI) "Spiral Dream" 1986 0:17:57
DEAD CONSPIRACY (USA/OR) "Grotesque Disjunction" 1987 0:22:36
SPAZZTIC BLURR (USA/OR) "Call In Sick" 1986 0:25:36
MC 0:27:25
ANTHROPIC (USA/NY) "Generation Lockdown" 2020 0:28:59
ANTHROPIC (USA/NY) "Failure" 2020 0:30:33
CROPSY MANIAC (USA) "I Strangled Mine" 2014 0:31:42
VHS (CANADA) "Hairspray and Bloodspray" 2016 0:33:09
EXHUMED (USA/CA) "Naked, Screaming, and Covered in Blood" 2019 0:35:54
ABSCONDER (USA/IL) "Torso Tank" 2019 0:38:04
MC 0:41:42
AVULSED (SPAIN) "Unconscious Pleasure" 1992 0:43:23
DESECRATOR (SWE) "The Invocator" 1990 0:47:01
GHOSTORM (LIT) "Frost" 1993 0:51:03
MC 0:54:04
OPHTHALAMIA (SWE) "The Eternal Walk" 1992 0:55:16
Outro 1:00:40

If you like something on the show, please, go buy it (if it's available).  If you own something on the show and don't want me to play it, please let me know.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Episode 11: Birx In The Streets, Fauci In The Streets

Good evening,'s time to open the Vaults again and enjoy some blasts from the past...thanks as always for listening and enjoying this fodder from a bygone era...please send back my stamps!

For the new-ish stuff segment of the show, we've got a literal Trilogy of Terror, a Triple Threat from the brains and fingers of Ash Thomas, we're featuring 3 of the 77 bands/projects he's been a part of over the past century, including Estuary, FaithXtractor and Shed The Skin. I mention it several times, but please please please, if this stuff stirs your soul...go grab you some of this delightful aural mayhem for your personal stash if you haven't yet...and if you have, I mean it when I say, I truly appreciate your support.

If you have any requests, comments or suggestions, feel free to throw them my way in the comments here, on twitter (I'm @yoshiki89) or on my Facebook page Bucket O' Entrails. Thanks for listening!!

Timestamps are approximate.  PLAY LOUD!!!  Elohssa!!  Sdarwkcab sdrocer ruoy gniyalp uoy era yhw??? Heavy Metal is the LAW!!

Episode 11 MixCloud (click here to listen to the archive of the broadcast)

Prelude/Intro 0:00:00
PHANTASM (USA/WI) "Gutsuckers" 1994 0:06:29
TREBLINKA (SWE) "Earwigs In Your Veins" 1989 0:12:22
DISGRACE (FIN) "Unity's Interlude Dyes Blind Tomorrow" 1990 0:16:14
MC 0:19:55
RED MACHETE (USA/MI) "Pull The Rope" 1985 0:21:07
RIOT (USA/NY) "Swords And Tequila (Live)" 1984 0:23:51
MC 0:28:02
ESTUARY (USA/OH) "Lies Of Promise" 2007 0:29:24
FAITHXTRACTOR (USA/OH) "Scathe Of Scythe" 2018 0:36:01
SHED THE SKIN (USA) "Legion Of The Scorpion" 2018 0:39:38
MC 0:43:00
NUM SKULL (USA/IL) "Brutal Fucking Death" 1991 0:44:08
MYSTIC FORCE (USA/MD) "Burn The Sky" 1987 0:48:32
ABRAXAS (GER) "Stolen Memories" 1991 0:52:48
MC 0:58:02
SEVERE WARNING (USA/OH) "It's Not Easy..." 1987
Outro 1:06:08

If you like something on the show, please, go buy it (if it's available).  If you own something on the show and don't want me to play it, please let me know.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Episode 10: Self-Isolation kVlt Nation

Inside jokes are the best and the worst...the title of this episode is truly the most inside-est of jokes, such an inside joke it is...if I told you the facts behind the joke, it might not be a joke at all.

More Isolation METAL jams for you tonight, my brothers and sisters...let's have a spot of tea or whatever and turn up the volume...the Vaults are OPEN and a great ride lies within!!!

In addition to the tomes of ancient sounds herein, you'll hear some new(ish) stuff from MOLDER, THY FEEBLE SAVIOUR, and THE PROMISE OF yourself a favor, and check out more of their stuff. Don't wait for the chance, do it NOW.

If you have any requests, comments or suggestions, feel free to throw them my way in the comments here, on twitter (I'm @yoshiki89) or on my Facebook page Bucket O' Entrails. Thanks for listening!!

Timestamps are approximate.  PLAY LOUD!!! and whatever you do, don't do anything to hurt George...we love George!!  Heavy Metal is the LAW!!

Episode 10 MixCloud (click here to listen to the archive of the broadcast)

Prelude/Intro 0:00:00
CARBONIZED (SWE) "Euthanasia" 1991 0:03:59
LOBOTOMY (SWE) "Instinct Of Brutality" 1991 0:07:29
DEAD FETUS (USA/IL) "Fetus Scraper" 1991 0:10:49
MC 0:15:20
ION DRIVE (OZ) "Witches" 1984 0:16:31
HALLOWEEN (ITALY) "Evil Power" 1984 0:24:15
MC 0:30:00
MOLDER (USA/IL) "An Act Of Revenge" 2018 0:30:46
THY FEEBLE SAVIOUR (USA/TX) "Torture Stake" 2018 0:33:48
THE PROMISE OF PLAGUE (USA/KY) "You Became My Noose" 2019 0:35:08
MC 0:38:58
MALTESE FALCON (DEN) "Mama's In Town" 1984 0:40:24
SHELLSHOCK (USA/CA) "Gonna Burn" 1983 0:46:31
HEAVEN'S GATE (GER) "Dancin' On A Rope" 1990 0:50:20
MC 0:54:58
HEATHEN (USA/CA) "Nursery Rhymes" 1988 0:56:20
Outro 1:02:40

If you like something on the show, please, go buy it (if it's available).  If you own something on the show and don't want me to play it, please let me know.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Episode 9: Viral Has Gone Viral

I'm back, with more of the same...several chunks from the Vaults, and some newer bits and pieces.

Viral has gone viral, unfortunately...while we are all stuck here, we might as well listen to some noise. This stuff is good for you. Metal will get you through times like this better than No Metal will. You know it's true.

If you have any requests, comments or suggestions, feel free to throw them my way in the comments here, on twitter (I'm @yoshiki89) or on my Facebook page Bucket O' Entrails. Thanks for listening!!

Timestamps are approximate.  PLAY LOUD!!! GET READY...FOR ACTION!!  Heavy Metal is the LAW!!

Episode 9 MixCloud (click here to listen to the archive of the broadcast)

Prelude/Intro 0:00:00
WITCH SLAYER (USA/IL) "I Don't Want To Die" 1983 0:04:03
BANSHEE (USA/KS) "Back Your Way" 1988 0:09:11
ENFORCER (USA/IL) "Bury The Knife" 1983 0:13:25
MC 0:19:05
CARILLON (ARG) "Caballo de Plata" 1991 0:20:03
DAWN OF WINTER (GER) "Mourning In Tears" 1991 0:24:22
NASTY SAVAGE (USA/FL) "Unchained Angel" 1984 0:28:30
MC 0:31:52
CRYPTICUS (USA/CO) "Anatomists Anonymous" 2019 0:33:17
EFFIGY (USA/KY) "Trauma" 2019 0:37:15
NEKRO DRUNKZ (USA/OR) "Terminal Perversion" 2019 0:42:50
MC 0:44:40
INCARNIS (USA/VA) "Dining In The Morgue" 1991 0:45:55
PAVOR (GER) "Cloud Forms" 1993 0:50:31
DEITY (USA/TX) "Death Cult" 1995 0:55:33
MC 0:59:02
POSSESSED (USA/CA) "Warriors Of Death" 1984 1:00:08
Outro 1:04:32

If you like something on the show, please, go buy it (if it's available).  If you own something on the show and don't want me to play it, please let me know.