chunks and nuggets from the dawn of the era of the True Underground, and some new stuff once in a while

Friday, April 10, 2020

Episode 10: Self-Isolation kVlt Nation

Inside jokes are the best and the worst...the title of this episode is truly the most inside-est of jokes, such an inside joke it is...if I told you the facts behind the joke, it might not be a joke at all.

More Isolation METAL jams for you tonight, my brothers and sisters...let's have a spot of tea or whatever and turn up the volume...the Vaults are OPEN and a great ride lies within!!!

In addition to the tomes of ancient sounds herein, you'll hear some new(ish) stuff from MOLDER, THY FEEBLE SAVIOUR, and THE PROMISE OF yourself a favor, and check out more of their stuff. Don't wait for the chance, do it NOW.

If you have any requests, comments or suggestions, feel free to throw them my way in the comments here, on twitter (I'm @yoshiki89) or on my Facebook page Bucket O' Entrails. Thanks for listening!!

Timestamps are approximate.  PLAY LOUD!!! and whatever you do, don't do anything to hurt George...we love George!!  Heavy Metal is the LAW!!

Episode 10 MixCloud (click here to listen to the archive of the broadcast)

Prelude/Intro 0:00:00
CARBONIZED (SWE) "Euthanasia" 1991 0:03:59
LOBOTOMY (SWE) "Instinct Of Brutality" 1991 0:07:29
DEAD FETUS (USA/IL) "Fetus Scraper" 1991 0:10:49
MC 0:15:20
ION DRIVE (OZ) "Witches" 1984 0:16:31
HALLOWEEN (ITALY) "Evil Power" 1984 0:24:15
MC 0:30:00
MOLDER (USA/IL) "An Act Of Revenge" 2018 0:30:46
THY FEEBLE SAVIOUR (USA/TX) "Torture Stake" 2018 0:33:48
THE PROMISE OF PLAGUE (USA/KY) "You Became My Noose" 2019 0:35:08
MC 0:38:58
MALTESE FALCON (DEN) "Mama's In Town" 1984 0:40:24
SHELLSHOCK (USA/CA) "Gonna Burn" 1983 0:46:31
HEAVEN'S GATE (GER) "Dancin' On A Rope" 1990 0:50:20
MC 0:54:58
HEATHEN (USA/CA) "Nursery Rhymes" 1988 0:56:20
Outro 1:02:40

If you like something on the show, please, go buy it (if it's available).  If you own something on the show and don't want me to play it, please let me know.

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